Abraham – following God’s promise…

Published on 02/19/13

Something you might find beneficial to present everyday living by faith.


God has answered and “positively!”

Published on 12/08/10

Yesterday I called the Immigrations office concerning another issue and the officer asked if I had not yet received the letter of response to our application for permanent residency permit. Responding in the negative she informed me that the decision had been made and she would post another letter to me. I stopped at the post office this morning and found the above mentioned letter stating that we had been granted the permit to come in and pick it up! So, that’s what we did today. One week shy of being a year in the works! So rejoice with us concerning this grand hurdle now being put behind us.

We arrived safely and connected!

Published on 11/25/10

We arrived safely and after a week and a half have been connected to the rest of the world! Sorry for the period of silence as we patiently awaited this service. Our November 2010 Update has also been posted, so check it out in our “Bell’s monthly update” Tab/window.

Thanks for your prayers!

Packing bags…

Published on 10/30/10

In two weeks, Lord willing, we will be in the air with great anticipation of reuniting with our fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord.

We fly out of Seattle, WA on the 11th of November and arrive in Gaborone, Botswana on the 14th.

We praise the Lord for working in the hearts of those we were privileged to minister over these pasts months. Two churches that have been unable to contribute to their previous promises have renewed their commitments – pray with them that they may be blessed and thereby be able to honor their support of the ministry in Botswana.

Likewise, two churches have been led to increase their support for the ministry which brings us at present lacking $204 in support. Pray with us that these funds too will be covered as we return.

We also covet your prayers for safety as we return and that our luggage may arrive along with us and that we will not face any clearing obstacles.

Again, pray for the issuance of Permanent Residence Permits if this is His will.

Thanks for being on-board our team of upholding His ministry in Botswana before the Throne of Grace.

To Him be the Glory!

Published on 10/30/10

Rejoice and give thanks with us as we returned safely from a three week trek of 4,200 miles visiting three supporting churches and several individual supporters. God was gracious in sparing us from any incident. Even from stalled freeway traffic traveling through the heart of major cities as Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento, and Portland. Likewise, we didn’t have a bit of mechanical problems with the vehicle, of which we praise Him for it all!

We were blessed by the ministries and encouraged by their evident outreach into their “Jerusalem.”

Again, thank you for remembering us in prayer.